Sunday, June 9, 2013

541_ Session 10_ Responses to Prompts

1. Identify five key concepts or themes related to eLearning Design and Development and explain what you know about each.

1. Analysis: It is crucial that, during the design phase (and earlier), that the following areas be fully analyzed and assessed (at the very least): identify both the needs and expertise of the instructors and students, the accessibilities and capabilities of the intended technology, the characteristics and of the instructor and the students and the content of the course.

2. Set Goals and Objectives: The concept includes not only the goals and objectives that the instructor will expect the student to achieve, but also how the student will achieve them.

3. Activities: As we have explained in past blogs, activities should include absorb, do and connect activities. These activities will determine how content is presented, transform information into knowledge and tie together new skills/knowledge with previous skills.

4. Interaction: Design and development must provide the following vital three types of interaction: Student-Content, which is how students retrieve and submit content; Student-Student, which is communication and collaboration (ex. Assignments on Google docs) between and among students; Student-Instructor, which includes all communications and collaborations between the students and the instructor.

5. Assessment: There must be an inclusion of assessment into the design. Assessment is the means of ensuring that students are understanding the content, meeting goals and objectives and applying the new information effectively.

2. Speculate on the future of eLearning and what your role in that future might be.

I am very new to the digital age of technology as both a student and as a future designer/developer. Although I have learned so much this quarter, I still am very uncomfortable with my knowledge and skills in this area. I am like a ‘duck out of water,’ but I feel like this is an area that I am really going to excel in once I get a bit more comfortable.

E-learning is becoming a very big part of education, and it is time for educators to get on board. Although I am not a teacher, as I have mentioned before, I am a tutor for students K-12. As a tutor, I even find myself using computer components in my homework center; it is particularly useful as I have 6-10 students per day and I am the only tutor. I have used Google to find valuable information; Aries, which is a system that the district uses for teachers to record grades, homework status or student issues; YouTube which provides many different learning aids; apps on an iPad in the class; online dictionaries; and many other media. These all provide resources for my students both in the classroom and can be accessed when they are at home. My difficulty with that is that many of my students come from lower income areas and do not have access to internet, or have parents who do not allow them to use the internet. All of these areas are directly related to the key concepts we have been discussing all quarter.

I see my role as the Instructional Design person. Horton describes that effective e-learning starts with sound instructional design, which requires selecting, organizing and specifying the learning experiences that are necessary in order to teach somebody something (p. 3). He also explains that the instructional design process is independent of the technology that will be used and/or the personnel used to create those experiences (p. 3). Basically, it is the duty of the instructional designer to ensure that all necessary components of the course- goals/objectives, content, activities, and assessments.

I hope one day to join those “digital natives” and “digitally fluent” people and be in the position of institutional power to push for e-learning in our K-12 system. We have many, many students who will benefit from online learning classes in the public educational system.

3. Revise the eLearning development template/instructional design process you developed earlier for yourself. Be sure to:

            a) List all of the roles of people who will be involved in the typical development.

            b) Identify your role.

  c) Explain the type of courses or other eLearning development the template is for (higher education course, corporate training etc.)

            d) Provide a clear label for all included elements.

            e) Provide a clear description of each included element.

            f) Provide a narrative explaining how the template would be used.


There are a variety of members in the design and development process, and each has a specific role and provides a specific service; all are experts in their areas.

 Instructors provide the course content (from the current f2f class), objectives/goals, activities, and means of assessment for the course.

Instructional Designer, who ensures that all necessary components are included and how they will be incorporated into the design and development of the course.

Developers: Including the technology and software experts who provide the support, programming and design in all aspects of the course.

My role is the Instructional Design Expert.  My job will be to ensure that all aspect of the course design is included to ensure a successful and effective e-learning environment. I will analyze the needs and expertise of the instructor and the future students. I will design an environment, using the current f2f format (if applicable), that will meet the objectives and goals of the course. I will then determine the means and media of content retrieval and submission. Next, design activities to ensure effective understanding of the course content. And finally, design the best means of assessment (quizzes, CFU’s, exams, papers…), thus ensuring the successful understanding of course content and achievement of course goals and objectives.

My interest is in K-12 education. My template is geared towards the K-12 e-learning environment- the course or topic specific.

As per my previous e-learning instructional design purpose, my template is as follows:

1.      Analysis:

a.      Identify needs and experience of students/instructors by first determining the level of comfortability the instructor has with online learning, as well as the experience in the e-learning environment. Then, analyze the learner’s needs and abilities- what is the motivation for learning, attitude for learning, discipline, communication skills, social skills and digital experience.

b.      Technology access and capabilities: In an article by Ronsisvalle (2005), it is explained that approximately 98% of schools have access to computers and Internet; therefore, these students have the technological access and capability to utilize this valuable tool (p. 118)

c.       Characteristics of instructor/students:

d.      Content: Analyze the content that is to be incorporated into the course, and determine the best approach for incorporating it. Content including, for example, lectures, text readings, supplemental readings or articles; also includes student submissions of content.

2.      Set Objectives/goals:

a.      Setting the objectives and goals must be in line with what the instructor expects of the students, and how the student will achieve those expectations

3.      Activities:

a.      Apply the absorb, do and connect activities necessary for achieving those goals/objectives.  Absorb activities include how course content is presented (presentations, readings, stories).  Do activities include the transforming of the information (absorb) into knowledge (practice, simulation, discovery activities). Connect activities bridge the gap between the ‘absorb’ activities and the ‘do’ activities; tie together new skills/knowledge with previous skills/knowledge

4.      Interaction involves any and all communication and collaborations that are required to be effective and successful in the course. There are 3 main types of interactions:

i.      Student-content- which is the means by which students retrieve and submit course content/information.

 ii.      Student-student- which includes any and all means that students use to communicate and collaborate with each other.

 iii.      Student-instructor- which includes any and all means of communication and collaboration between students and the instructor.

5.      Assessment includes the means of ensuring the effective and successful understanding of the course content. This can be done by providing portals for:

 i.      Quizzes/ exams/ finals

ii.      Papers

iii.      Projects

 iv.      Discussion forums

6.      Select the media that will best present and support the course, ensuring a successful and effective e-learning environment.


The template will serve as a blueprint, just as an architect would draw up when designing a building. It will allow you to view and monitor the progress of the design project, as well as ensure that all components are included. This can be presented in a table, as in the text, or (as I am most comfortable being a business major) a flow chart. This will show the natural progression of the project and readily point out any areas missed or of concern. Either method used, and must include all components of the course and all the people involved in the design and development process, including their specific roles and duties.



Horton- our text

Ronsinvalle, T., Watkins R. (2005). Student Success in Online K-12 Education. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 6 (2), 117-124.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

541_Session 9_Games and Simulations in the E-learning environment

1. Define the terms "Game" and "Simulation" as they relate to eLearning.

Horton defines games and simulations allow learners to practice tasks, apply knowledge and infer principles- all while having fun; but it always purposeful. They teach first and have fun second. They provide a complete model of a real-world system or a rapid-fire series of questions to answer. Games and simulations can be individual “Do” activities, tests, whole topics, sprawling lessons or entire lessons.


2. What are the key characteristics of a Simulation?

Simulations immerse learners in a work-related context and let them safely verify that they can perform specific tasks or procedures. Horton explains that demonstrations are not true simulations. In a true simulation, the learner controls the sequences of events. In a true simulation: learners decide and act, learning results from practice and authentic feedback and is useful for both education and training workers, learners operate within a simulated environment, the learner is presented with choices and the learner’s actions have consequences.


3. What are some of the strengths or advantages of Games and Simulations in eLearning?

Horton provided us with a variety of advantages:

·         Learners can make mistakes without suffering permanent consequences, thus allowing learners to explore the consequences of risky behaviors.

·         Encourages learners to pause, reflect and revise, thus providing opportunities to rethink ideas and try alternative approaches.

·         Provide a laboratory where learners can test different hypothesis and strategies to determine which ones would be too risky in the real world.

·         Simplify complex situations by isolating components and variables

·         Give abundant opportunities for practice and feedback- 24X7 hours.

·         Extend and motivate the effects of play in adults.

·         Seduce voluntary learners into taking tests.

He reminds that games cannot themselves teach large amounts of detailed information or replace books, classrooms or other forms of learning.

4. What are some of the weaknesses or disadvantages of Games and Simulations in eLearning?

The cost of development and the time it takes to develop are the main disadvantages of games and simulations in e-learning.

5. Pick a topic and describe a game or a simulation that would be an effective learning activity.

I was thinking about this in relation to my current job as a tutor. And, although I do not work with any students taking biology, that was the topic that first came to my mind.

I chose to select word games- crossword puzzles- as my tool. Word games make learning terminology fun.

1.      Learner clicks on a numbered square (Example: 1 down)

2.      2. A clue/definition pops up

3.      Learners types in the answer

4.      If the answer is correct,(cute animation and sound effects),then the learner selects a new square

5.      If not correct, the learner may either choose a different square and return later, or select a hint (hint button)

a.       The hint button will toggle to another definition, clue, and page number where the term can be found.

Game is completed when crossword puzzle is completely filled in. I also thought about a point process- X number of points for each correct answer on the first attempt, and a deduction for each subsequent attempt. I decided that no timer- I don’t care how long it takes; if they keep looking for the answer (even on the first attempt) they are getting in good study time. Win-Win!

This is a good motivator to get students to read their text books. This will help the learner practice for quizzes, exams and for self-assessment.

This crossword puzzle could also be used as a quiz- or a CFU (check for understanding) following each chapter. As we did in our team project, the CFU’s were given as attendance verification (points).

6.               Describe the development process you would use to create the game or simulation described above.

Not getting into the interface, software, graphics- we are designing the game itself and how learners will utilize it in an e-learning environment (although it is nothing without the interface, software, graphics…)

Make it clear from the beginning – make it clear what the game must accomplish-

            List the goal and individual learning objectives the game must accomplish.

            Emphasize that we are learning, not just playing a game

Specify how the game will motivate and challenge the learner

Provide multiple ways to learn- example: reading, playing game, hints for further studying

Specify the game structure

Assign the learner’s role

Specify the rules of the game

Design a rich, realistic environment

Provide unified challenges

Define indicators of the games state and feedback—the hint button

Specify the details: sketch out the user interface, write the words, specify the graphical style, and specify other media (video, animation, sound effects)

You want to engage the learner- hook the learner’s curiosity immediately. This can be done by forgoing lengthy introductions and statements of objectives. Just get to it! Get them playing as soon as possible and let the game introduce itself.

**Other processes, although not used in my game, include: creating a micro-world, by specifying the game’s world, character’s, storyline and a games back story.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

541_Testing Online Educational Materials

  1. List the two levels of testing as outlined in the presentation and discuss each one in turn. Then describe the types of testing activities for each level of testing.

Testing of online materials involve two types of testing; first type is to ensure the fidelity of the media that is being used, and second is to ensure that the material that is being presented leads to the desired student outcomes.

 There are two levels of testing that are used to ensure the fidelity of the media being used. The first is done when the media is being created. It is done to ensure that the media that was produced is both complete and of acceptable quality. The second level involves testing of the media when it is as close to its release as possible. This is usually done by having someone review the material; as described in the reading, basically states that the media is tested under reasonable set of circumstances that (in our case) students are expected to encounter; for example, testing with different operating systems and  using different web browsers.

  1. What is ADA and how does it apply to the design and development of eLearning materials?

ADA is the acronym for Americans with Disabilities Act. This act requires that universities need to provide equal access to everyone- even those with disabilities.

I was very surprised, although in retrospect it makes perfect sense. There are quite different disabilities in e-learning that in a f2f classroom. Disability accommodations that I expected to read, were maybe seating, walkways, railing, even parking. However, e-learning disabilities are quite unique; they include students with no vision, color blindness, auditory issues, seizures or motor function issues.  Accommodations for these disabilities include: changes in contrast, color combinations, changeable fonts, animation/strobe usage, text –v-audio alternatives, navigability.


  1. What is your institutions (You may use CSUSB’s) policy towards ADA and eLearning? Explain what this means in practical terms and what you think the strengths and weaknesses of the policy.

CSUSB adheres to both and ADA policy and an online web page accessibility policy; its online webpage accessibility policy can be found at                                                                                                

I took this directly from the link:


The purpose of this policy is to identify standards that will constitute web page accessibility for those with disabilities, establish procedures for creating and maintaining accessible Web pages, and establish the accountability for assuring accessibility for all Web pages that officially represent California State University, San Bernardino within the scope of this policy. This policy does not apply to instructional websites or instructional web content. Instructional materials are managed under the Instructional Materials Accessibility Plan (IMAP). A website or webpage, as well as the contents of such pages, is instructional if its primary function is as an informational resource for course completion. This includes, but is not limited to items such as course syllabi, reading materials, test materials, and multimedia.

If I comprehend this correctly, the policy only relates the official CSUSB website. It does not pertain to e-learning, as it does not apply to instructional websites or instructional web content.  I am assuming, that whoever it is that is creates the instructional sites (Blackboard, for example) is in full compliance of ADA. However, I have never been able to make changes to the content; the only changes I can make (in regards to contrast, font, color….) are all done through my computer, not thru the Blackboard system. Maybe I just don’t know how to do these things- which entirely possible.

4.      Revisit the 11 instructional design steps presented in chapter 1 of the text (Design Quickly and Reliably).* Revise this 11 step system using what you now know about development and testing. Try to create your own instructional design process/template that you might actually use. Briefly explain your modifications.

As we discovered during our team project, following the 11 steps led to repetition. I searched the web and found so many different processes, many included ADDIE. Addie seems to be a very basic set of steps- I felt that I would break it down a bit more. I also am taking in to account all of the different module topics we have covered in this class.

1.      Analysis:

a.      Identify needs and expertise of students/instructors

b.      Technology access and capabilities

c.       Characteristics of instructor/students

d.      Content

2.      Set Objectives/goals:

a.      What the instructor expects and how the student will achieve those expectations

3.      Activities:

a.      Apply the absorb, do and connect activities

                                                              i.      Absorb- how content is presented (presentations, readings, stories)

                                                            ii.      Do-  transforming the information (absorb) into knowledge (practice, simulation, discovery activities)

                                                          iii.      Connect- bridge the gap; tie together new skills/knowledge with previous skills/knowledge

4.      Interaction:

a.      Provide for 3 types of interactions

                                                              i.      Student-content

                                                            ii.      Student-student

                                                          iii.      Student-instructor

5.      Assessment:

a.      Ensure student understanding of content

                                                              i.      Quizzes/ exams/ finals

                                                            ii.      Papers

                                                          iii.      Projects

                                                           iv.      Discussion forums

6.      Select the media




Sunday, May 19, 2013

541_Session 7

Session 7

1. Why is media selection important in eLearning?

Media selection is important in order to create a successful learning environment. Most students who chose to take e-learning courses, generally, have very busy schedules and find this style of learning to be convenient. If the media selected is not conducive to these needs, the success of the learning and experience will suffer. So, when e-learning courses are being designed/developed, the selection of the media needs to meet the busy lifestyles of the students as much as the needs of the instructor and the course content.

As we have continually been discussing, interaction must always be considered, including in media selection- meaning that it must support all three major interactions- student-student, student-content and student-instructor.s in these classes have busy lives; most do not have extra time toe

2. Define "new media"?

New media refers to on-demand access; in the e-learning environment, this would be access to content, interaction and participation. This access would be available to the student anywhere, at any time and on kind of digital device, such as smart phones or tablets. New media allows us to interact and share information in an instant.

3. Choose a "new media" and explain it's strengths and weaknesses for supporting eLearning.

I took a class that used facebook as its media. We received our content via links, we collaborated through postings. I found one of the biggest strengths to be access; we had access to content and each other anytime of any day. I personally was able to do my studies on my iPhone at work, in the car waiting for my kids to get out of school or in the comfort of my living room.  Another strength was privacy; our facebook was only able to be “friended” by invitation of the professor.

The greatest weakness was that it forced students to get a facebook. For most people that would not be a big deal, but we did have one student that voiced her dislike of being forced to join a social network.

4. Explain the term "Mobile Learning" and discuss the importance of "Mobile Learning in the current eLearning environment and in future eLearning environments.

Our texts describes mobile learning with two meanings: 1- participation in learning events while mobile, and 2- learning from the world in which we move.

I can say that currently I have taken advantage of our university’s mobile web app on my iPhone on numerous occasions. I have had to look up an activity or even post to my blog from time to time. I can say, that I have trouble commenting on other blogs; but that is probably a user issue rather than a tech issue. The main issue I see at this time is the size of the screen or keyboard on the mobile devices- not as easy to see or use as a laptop or desk computer.

The lifestyle of students is becoming more and more busy, and convenience and instant gratification is a way of life. Everywhere you look, people are on their smartphones or tablets, emailing, checking facebook, texting….thus, creating a cultural environment that is demanding instant, on-the-go education. We must, as e-learning designers/developers, take advantage of technological advances and meet those needs.

 5. Explain the term "Virtual Classroom". Describe how a "Virtual Classroom" can be used in eLearning.

The text explains that a virtual classroom can be in two formats: a webinar or a course. A webinar is an individual online meeting that is generally a one-time course. A course is a complete program of learning; which could be a series of webinars. Webinars and courses are taken online.

Instructors have a great deal of work and effort creating the syllabus and all of the technicalities of making the virtual classroom as effective in content and interaction as a f2f classroom- as we learned in our team project. The students have an added advantage of learning from each other through collaborations more in a virtual classroom than in most f2f (or in classes I have experienced). In my other class, I discussed the isolation that students feel (it was on K-12 e-learning). Virtual classrooms, if designed and developed correctly, require students to be more involved- both with the content and other students.

*I apologize for any typos or crzy mitakes..... as I am dealing with a mobile learning environment that I am not used to- which is what led me to my weaknesses in question 4. Ironic for this session- I think. Laptop crashed.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

541_Session 6_ Absorb, Do and Connect from team activity


  • Understand the complex relationship between historical events, historical context, and human culture

1. Describe an "Absorb" type activity for one of the objectives in the course plan your team developed.

Student will read various readings of “Greek Philosophy and History” and “Alexander the great and the Hellenistic Philosophy.” Students will also receive both f2f and online video lectures where the instructor presents the information as well as shares stories for a deeper understanding of the topic.

2. Describe a "Do" type activity for one of the objectives in the course plan your team developed.

In our team’s plan, student will complete 2 “Do” activities. 1) complete the weekly CFU (check for understanding) and Quiz #1. This allows the student to analyze the objective and apply their knowledge and understanding of the information.

3. Describe a "Connect" type activity for one of the objectives in the course plan your team developed.

Students and instructor will discuss: philosophy and the Individual in Greek Culture. This discussion allows students to form a deeper understanding of the subject and share their views and perception with the instructor and other students.

4. Choose one of the above activities and discuss the process you would use to create this presentation. For this task assume that you have no additional assistance other than the instructor who would be able to write content as you describe it and perform for a recording as needed.

·         Create a PowerPoint presentation:

·         Create and present an outline for the topic

·         Include charts

·         Include links for supportive readings

·         Include a podcast link for pertinent information and instructions


5. Discuss how would your approach for the above task would be different if you were directing the development efforts of a team that included a graphic designer, a video editor and a web programmer along with all of the tools that such a team would typically use.

A graphic designer could ensure that the charts, pics, and overall appearance is aesthetically pleasing and not distracting to students. Video editor can add text and other supporting information to the chunks of video lecture the instructor has recorded. We discussed the programmer intermingling quizzes (CFU’s) following each reading and lecture, if the student did not demonstrate understanding of the material he/she would be redirected to another area for added information until student is able to show understanding. The site would include a variety tools, such as videos, chat, discussion boards, animation and links.

6. The text presents test types and presents a list of common types of test questions. In light of these, describe a test that would be appropriate for the class your team planned in the previous session.

The syllabus provided by the instructor includes 2 quizzes, 1 midterm and 1 final. Our team decided that we would add a weekly CFU (16 total)- each consisting of  2 questions.

According to the syllabus the instructor has his students take 2 quizzes, 1 midterm, and 1 final.

Our team decided to add 16 CFU’s (check for understanding) that would consist of approximately 2 questions. Quiz #1 will be taken in class and #2 will be taken via online.

Quizzes will consist of T/F, multiple choice, fill in the blanks and short answer questions.