Sunday, May 12, 2013

541_Session 6_ Absorb, Do and Connect from team activity


  • Understand the complex relationship between historical events, historical context, and human culture

1. Describe an "Absorb" type activity for one of the objectives in the course plan your team developed.

Student will read various readings of “Greek Philosophy and History” and “Alexander the great and the Hellenistic Philosophy.” Students will also receive both f2f and online video lectures where the instructor presents the information as well as shares stories for a deeper understanding of the topic.

2. Describe a "Do" type activity for one of the objectives in the course plan your team developed.

In our team’s plan, student will complete 2 “Do” activities. 1) complete the weekly CFU (check for understanding) and Quiz #1. This allows the student to analyze the objective and apply their knowledge and understanding of the information.

3. Describe a "Connect" type activity for one of the objectives in the course plan your team developed.

Students and instructor will discuss: philosophy and the Individual in Greek Culture. This discussion allows students to form a deeper understanding of the subject and share their views and perception with the instructor and other students.

4. Choose one of the above activities and discuss the process you would use to create this presentation. For this task assume that you have no additional assistance other than the instructor who would be able to write content as you describe it and perform for a recording as needed.

·         Create a PowerPoint presentation:

·         Create and present an outline for the topic

·         Include charts

·         Include links for supportive readings

·         Include a podcast link for pertinent information and instructions


5. Discuss how would your approach for the above task would be different if you were directing the development efforts of a team that included a graphic designer, a video editor and a web programmer along with all of the tools that such a team would typically use.

A graphic designer could ensure that the charts, pics, and overall appearance is aesthetically pleasing and not distracting to students. Video editor can add text and other supporting information to the chunks of video lecture the instructor has recorded. We discussed the programmer intermingling quizzes (CFU’s) following each reading and lecture, if the student did not demonstrate understanding of the material he/she would be redirected to another area for added information until student is able to show understanding. The site would include a variety tools, such as videos, chat, discussion boards, animation and links.

6. The text presents test types and presents a list of common types of test questions. In light of these, describe a test that would be appropriate for the class your team planned in the previous session.

The syllabus provided by the instructor includes 2 quizzes, 1 midterm and 1 final. Our team decided that we would add a weekly CFU (16 total)- each consisting of  2 questions.

According to the syllabus the instructor has his students take 2 quizzes, 1 midterm, and 1 final.

Our team decided to add 16 CFU’s (check for understanding) that would consist of approximately 2 questions. Quiz #1 will be taken in class and #2 will be taken via online.

Quizzes will consist of T/F, multiple choice, fill in the blanks and short answer questions.





  1. Good job. I liked your responses to items 4 and 5, they show an understanding of how to vector resources towards development of materials.

  2. Hi Kathryn,
    I liked your answer to #5 and thinking about how to use the CFU's. The idea of the CFU is to make sure the student understands the concept. I liked your ideas of providing links that give the student opportunities to interact with different modalities. Hopefully,at least one of the options will address the students learning style and they will be able to master the learning.
