Sunday, April 21, 2013

Session 3_ Responses to Prompts _ Absorb, Do, Connect

Video Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation



If I haven’t mentioned before, I am not currently a teacher. I am the director of a homework center is in partnership with the SBCUSD. I tutor students grades K-12; so my teaching style and experience is quite different than my fellow classmates/colleagues. It also varies from day to day. For the purpose of this blog (and the class in general) I am going to cater my responses to the subject and general grade level I deal with most… 2nd -3rd grade math (my course). In addition, my job description requires me to help my students with their assigned homework, but I am allowed to incorporate any other help of my choosing.

Since taking 546, and now this class, I have been working to incorporate different technological aids in the center. I have already created several short videos helping with beginning algebra and multiplication. The center is located and operated by the church. The church has its own website and is going to allow me a page on the site for my center; which I now intend to dedicate to e-learning.

So- enough of this….. I just wanted you to know where I am coming from.

B. Discuss of the types of interactions that are most often used in the content area for which you expect to design instruction. Be sure to explain the content area, the types of students and types of objectives with which you will be working.

Content Area:

2nd-3rd grade Math-  This course will cover numbers and comparing, equations, variables, estimation and rounding, place value, logical reasoning, money, time, graphs, multiplication and division, measurement, fractions, decimals and probabilities.

Types of Students:

The types of students who will use and benefit from this course are 2nd and 3rd grade students who are struggling with math skills in their everyday classroom.

Types of Objectives:

Students will be able to:

More fully comprehend, master, the particular areas of difficulty.

Improve classroom test scores, as well as their state standards scores.

Student will be able to discuss and describe the processes of areas of difficulty.


C. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 of the Horton text discuss three categories of activities: Absorb, Do, and Connect. After reading these chapters you are to locate one or more online classes and identify one Absorb, one Do and one Connect activity. Present your findings using this format:


Course Content:

Intended Students/Probable Student Characteristics:

Instructor Characteristics:

Identify the Type of Activity: Absorb - Do - Connect

Identify and Discuss the Interactions in the Activity:


Absorb Activities: usually consist of information and activities that help students (learners) comprehend information; especially used to update and extend current knowledge. The text describes presentations, readings, stories and/or field trips as types of Absorb Activities.

Do Activities: transform the “absorb” information into knowledge and skills. Examples of “Do” activities are: practice activities, discovery activities and game simulations.

Connect Activities: integrate what we are learning with what we know. The purpose of “Connect” activities is to link to something already known. Examples include: ponder activities, questioning activities, research activities… Connect activities are useful when application is crucial, yet not adequate, teaching a general subject, learners doubt applicability of material and the learners cannot make the connection on their own.



Course Content: 3rd grade Mathematics

Intended Students/Probable Student Characteristics:

Intended for students who want to get extra practice with skills they have learned in the classroom and/or students struggling with their everyday math class.

Instructor Characteristics:

A 3rd grade teacher with limited to good computer skills. Instructor is probably savvy enough to use the computer for personal use, but not likely to have experience with technology in the classroom. The teacher is teaching math to a large classroom and on a strict state schedule, so has little to no extra time to devote to struggling students.

Type of Activity:

Do:  This activity is primarily “Do” type activity, in that it provides drill and practice activities, hands on activities and guided analysis. It allows the student to practice their specific areas of struggle, test their skills with hands on testing, and provides reports designed to pinpoint trouble areas, measure progress and view improvements.

I didn’t actually apply “Connection” type activity at first. It wasn’t until I linked to a new area of the course that it clicked to me.

Connect: This course provides students with the connection between the course activities and real-life application. Connect activities are done through word problems. It is obvious in activities such as time and money; the application of multiplication is more difficult- the word problems are delivered in real-life terms and situation.


I found a second site that I thought was good for this session as well.


Course Content:  3rd grade Mathematics

Intended Students/Probable Student Characteristics:

Intended for students who want to get extra help with math; these students my either be struggling students, students preparing for future skills or self-testing students.

Type of Activity:

Absorb: this course provides for “Absorb” type activities, in that it provides not only provides students with a textbook and workbook, it also provides an e-text, online lessons, and 24/7 communications (chat).

Do: this course provides for “Do” type activities through, on line practice drills and tests,  hands-on activities - at-home games and supplies (used for both hands on and online), and guided analysis throughout the course.

Connect: this course provides students with the connection between the course activities and real-life application. It is obvious in activities such as time and money, but a lot less obvious to a third grader how they would apply, for example, multiplication. This connectivity is done through activities, such as word problems.




  1. Kathryn

    Very well done. Not being a classroom teacher allows you to explore fresh ideas. Somethimes as a teacher we go for what we already know versus exploring new and sometimes out the box ideas. You have really embraced this new technology. Congradualtions. Now if I can just get my chart to load like it looks in my word document.


  2. You are truly providing a service for these kids that a classroom teacher cannot. Perhaps theywill not have the gaps I see in so many students. Are you familiar with

  3. Nicely done! You don't have to be a classroom teacher to design online courses. For example, some graduates from our program go on to work in groups like ODL here on campus helping others to create online classes.

  4. Kathryn,

    Wow! This is very interesting. I think that we are one of the few that are not actuals teachers in the course. I like the fact that you are able to create these videos. Some students seem like they are paying attention in class but when they come for homework help you really wonder if they grasped the idea in class or if you are re-teaching them once again. As I have learned before students need the topic reviewed several times before they truly understand it. When your website is up and running I would love to see it.

